Faith, Hope & Love: A Christian Romance
The inspirational novel written by contemporary Christian romance author Kimberly Rae Jordan is sure to tug at your heart and encourage your soul.
Six years after rebels took her missionary husband hostage, Cassie MacIntyre gets word that Quinn has been released and is on his way home. While initially excited to have her husband back, it isn’t long before joy turns to heartache as Cassie realizes that his time in captivity have robbed Quinn of his faith in God and, apparently, his love for her.
Quinn has lost more than weight while being held captive in the jungles of Colombia. As days turned to months, he struggled and failed to keep his faith alive. As months turned to years, hope for a rescue faded. Quinn’s heart and emotions hardened as he faced a daily battle to stay alive and to understand why God had abandoned him.
The man who has come back to Cassie is a stranger. She struggles to keep alive the hope that there is a future for their marriage, their family and the love and faith they once shared.
His Faith
Her Hope
Their Love
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