Dear reader,

Welcome to my website!

I wanted to take a moment to share my reasons for writing contemporary Christian romance, and what you can expect from a Kimberly Rae Jordan book.

if you’re a new reader, here is what I can assure you:


None of my books contain swearing or using the Lord’s name in vain.



While my stories center around about romantic relationships, I choose to focus on emotional and spiritual connections over physical ones. There will be some kissing, but I will never cross the line into spicy.



I was raised in the Baptist church and continue to embrace the statement of faith for that denomination. That background is the foundation for the faith journeys you’ll find in my stories.


Difficult Subjects

Sometimes my stories deal with difficult situations (ie: kidnapping/assault in A Heart Renewed, and abortion in The Long Road Home—occurs prior to the start of the story) but they are approached from a Christian viewpoint. I believe it is important to show characters in true to life situations—be they good or bad—to show how God can work in a person’s life to grow their faith and bring glory to Him.

I began to read romances at a very young age, with Love Comes Softly by Janette Oke being the first romance I have a clear memory of reading. Unfortunately, back then (40 years ago!), there wasn’t a large variety of Christian romances available. That meant that eventually, as a mid-teen, I began to read the secular ones, since they were much more plentiful.

When I began to write in my twenties, more opportunities finally opened for publishing Christian romance. In the early 2000’s, Harlequin introduced their Love Inspired line, and I submitted to them with the hopes of publishing with that imprint. Unfortunately, though I did get to a point where I did revisions at an editor’s request, it never led to a contract.

Around 2007, life got complicated, so for several years, I put my writing aside to deal with the issues that needed my attention. At that time, I had a handful of completed manuscripts that just languished on my computer until 2013. Early in that year, a friend suggested I try publishing them through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing.

Figuring I had nothing to lose, I uploaded my first book, Faith, Hope, and Love to KDP, then followed that up with Marrying Kate. At that point, publishing was just a side hustle as I was still working full-time and had four children at home.

Then, in 2015, my series Home to Collingsworth, received publicity that exploded my readership. It was totally unexpected, and I thought for sure it wouldn’t last. However, readers continued to return to my books and more joined them. By the end of 2015, I was able to quit my job to write full time. It was the realization of a dream I hadn’t dared to dream!

As I gained more readers, I began to feel the weight of the message I was sharing with them. It became important that they knew what to expect when it came to my books.

I wanted to write stories that all generations would feel comfortable reading.

I wanted to write books that, if I was physically able, I could hand one to Jesus without worry of what it contained.

So, if you’re a new reader, here is what I can assure you:

Happy Reading!


About Kimberly